Time for a new beginning.....well, not a new beginning, but, more or less me being a badass.
In My Life
I'm typing this from my brand new Toshiba laptop. Yeah, I went Asian on the world. Look out Yoko and Ricky Bobby (not of Will Ferrell fame, but of Lowe's fame). This is the first Saturday that I've got off since sometime in January. As I recline the chair, The Day the Earth Stood Still is on TV. We, the fam, may go out for all you can eat prime rib. MMMMMMMMMMMM.
My typing will have to take some adjustments with this new keyboard. I type really fast, but the new shift button on the left isn't like the size of one on a normal keyboard. The enter button on the right as well, damn, all outta whack.
Work has finally slowed down, which is great. I had a nice run of about 300 hours over six weeks. Which is only 50 hours a week, but it was everyday, it was rough. I'm going to enjoy the downturn for a bit.
I finally said goodbye to the Taurus yesterday. She was towed away while I was at work. Off to some charity thing - a tax write off. I'm still cruising in the grandpa's Crown Vic. Which means, my ass is officially without a car for the first time since I got my license in December of '00. So, I'm now car shopping like a mo' fo'.
Aside from work and looking for a new car, not a whole lot going on....well, my grandparents' house finally sold. I went over there w/ my dad and Uncle Mike to get some couches and chairs and desks from the house. I met the guy that bought the house, Tim, he seems like a nice dude. He gutted the interior. The island in the kitchen is moved, the closet on the front end of the house, that my grandpa put in years ago, is also gone. From the outside it was my grandparents' house, but from the inside, it no longer is. That's a part of life I suppose.
Da Coach

Mary Mary Quite Contrary
I don't know how your section can follow Heidi's mountains, but we now both have Toshibas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We're Talkin' About Practice
I work in sports radio. I am sports.
As you can guess, I am absolutely devastated that Lauren is leaving the Hills. But...I assume that Speidi will have a spin-off and unlike the The City, it will be awesome. So I'm looking forward to watching Spence and Heidi's silicone on a regular basis.
You and me both. I got dibs on the right one though....sorry.
Dude, I'm rockin a Toshiba too.... Toshiba is the new mac
I got mentioned in a blog post other than my own? Holla!
Oh, and I heard the bewbie horn, so I came running full bore. My disappointment occured when I realized it was Heidi something or other bitchtits McGee from the Hills.
On a serious note, my Grandparents house sold a while ago, and apparently it, too, was gutted. Not a fan of when that happens. Happened to my home that my family moved out of a few months ago, too. Although, that was the realtor's fault, not anyone who purchased the home.
The home is no longer the families, and it's for the better - it's really caused some turmoil...drama, if you will.
As for Heidi, beggars can't be choosers.
i want a toshiba. i would also like that mountains woman
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