Sunday, May 24, 2009

Workin' Fo tha Man Ev'ry Nigh' 'N Day

A lot has been said about work. But, I haven't said much about it.

The Grateful Dead - a band that I look like I'm following (see here) on tour - said, Workingman's Dead. John Lennon devoted a classic to the Working Class Hero. But, like the title says - Creedence said it best. Oh, if you're not in the know - because, you are - "Coaches' Rule" applies here. Every time, and I mean every time, Creedence Clearwater Revival comes on the radio, or in this case, your computer speakers, you're required to turn it up, regardless of how loud the speakers were before. So, now you're in the know.

Well, sorry to cut this short, but needs to be...

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